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The Nightline description

You are ushered into an intimate but unassuming space and shown to a dimly lit table for one. In place of a dinner setting is an old 70’s rotary-dial telephone and a simple switchboard. Gingerly, you lift the receiver and are directly connected to an exclusive club of... the sleepless.

The Nightline is a collection of real-life stories, rants, confessions, inanities, pranks and private thoughts compiled from over 600 anonymous callers left between the hours of midnight and 6am.

Guiltlessly eavesdrop on the voices of lone truckies, bored shift-workers, new parents, security workers, troubled or restless souls, all intertwined with an evocative, enveloping sound score. It’s an unsettling but strangely beautiful experience, unique for the ear of each guest. There are moments when you laugh out loud, others when you’re moved to tears.

Poignant, beautifully judged and profoundly moving.

Tim Byrne, theatre writer for The Guardian

Theatre-maker Roslyn Oades is well known for her non-fiction collage and verbatim-based work. For this, her fifth collaboration with sound artist Bob Scott, she put out the call to night owls via late-night radio and mysterious posters plastered on city walls. From the candid responses, they composed a suite of lonely nocturnes as varied and subtle as Chopin’s.

Hop on the party line and become a very good listener for 40 unforgettable minutes.

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